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Quantum Epic

Treaty Of Galactic Credits

2% To Jon Class Retired The Once Jon Alexander Morris Son of David Robin Morris

10 % To The Jehovah's Kingdom Building Work

10% To The Global Governments 
8% To Corporations
4% To Media and Gil'non *Media*
5% To Advancing The Star Class Fleet Federation With Allies Help
2% To the Jon Class Enhanced Clones ("Warrior Jon Class" Consciousness)
2% To The Jane Class Enhanced Clones ("Warrior Jane Class" Consciousness)
4% To Workers
3% To Spiritual Enlightenment
3% Per Every 10th the Populous For Living Wage In Credits Not of Debt But Prepaid Living Wage.
3% For Genetic Advances And Progressions In Development
3% For the Allies of Of The Kingdom
3% For Farming
3% For Development
4% For the Ishraelites (Jon Alexander Morris' Children Born December 2 1986)
2% To Jackkd Inc
2% For Mothers of Jon Alexander Morris' Children

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Marriage of Ahdom And Ishrael

Those Stealing From the Ah'dom Or Ishrael Will Decrease As Ah'dom And Ishrael Will Increase...


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